- Blitz BP (BullPup), CB (Carbon Barrel) 7.62mm fully automatic Hatsan PCP air rifle. FullAuto and SemiAuto systems ensure automatic reloading every time you press the trigger tongue (FAC version) quick firing without having to change the aiming line.

Blitz BP (BullPup), CB (Carbon Barrel) multi-shot PCP air rifle from Hatsan Arms equipped with Full / Semi Auto type switch (fire selector). Fully automatic FullAuto (continuous fire) and semi-automatic SemiAutoAction (automatic reload). Blitz provides automatic reloading every time the trigger tongue is pressed (FAC version only*) and quick accurate shots at considerable distances without the need to change / correct the aiming line. Available in .177 (4.5 mm), .22 (5.5 mm), .25 (6.35 mm) oraz .30 (7.62 mm) calibers.