Training glove from ESP Glock 17. Made of a silicone replica, specially designed for the safest way of training self-defense techniques with the use of short weapons and impact techniques with the use of a pistol.
Training Knife (Soft), ESP's safe training knife, similar in size to a folding knife. Made of hardened plastic in black. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
Training Knife (Hard), ESP's safe training knife, similar in size to a folding knife. Made of hardened plastic in black. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
Commando Training Knife (Soft), safe training knife, made of soft plastic in black color. Perfect for self-defense training, martial arts, among others defense against knife or demonstrations.
EKA Blue Training Stick 21” profesjonalna pałka treningowa Bonowi producenta najlepszych pałek w EU. EKA (CamLock) uważane są za najlepsze pałki do zastosowań profesjonalnych. Firma dostarcza do niemieckiej policji, polskich jednostek wojska policji
CU9G (Paddle) Fobus open pouch for a double-row pistol magazine, caliber 9 mm and .40, and chain metal handcuffs. For a 45 mm wide belt. For Glock pistols: 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38 and 39. H&K: USP, USP Compact.