HK-30 (Paddle) Fobus holster, right. The professional CH line focuses on safety. H&K P30 and P30 SK pistols. P (Paddle) fin attachment for a belt width up to 45mm. Designed to adhere closely to the figure / uniforms.
FNS ND OWB holster represents revolutionary advance in design. Made from a single piece of polymer. Built-in metal strap reinforces the rivets connecting holster to paddle. Additional screw near trigger guard allows for adjustment of retention strength.
SP-11 LH (Paddle) open holster Fobus type standard - left. For Springfield pistols: XD, XDM and XD Mod 2. HS Product: HS 2000. Ruger P95, 345. IWI Jericho 941 skeleton from polime PL / RPL, PSL / RPSL, FBL / RBL. H & K P2000. Taurus PT24 / 7 DS.
GLCH (Paddle) kabura Fobus - prawa. Profesjonalna linia kabur CH stworzona na potrzeby służb mundurowych stawia na bezpieczeństwo. Mechanizm Trigger Guard Locking System rozwiązuje problem bezpiecznego przenoszenia broni. Do Glock: 17,19,22,23,31,32,34,35
GL-2 RSH (Paddle) tactical open holster Fobus type RSH - right. The RSH series strongly focuses on safety and professionalism. A unique mechanism solves the problem of safe carrying weapons. For Glock pistols: 17, 19, 19X, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35.
Inner holster open Fobus, right. Type FIT-SPECIFIC IWB. The GLC is the world's first ergonomically designed IWB holster. Designed for hidden carrying inside the pants, the low profile makes it easy to hide the weapon. For Glock pistols 17,19,22,23,26,27.