Browning holsters ( number of products: 5 ) 37,92 € / piece incl. VAT
EMC (Paddle) Fobus EM tactical holster right. For weapons with tactical lighting, laser target indicator, glass striker. For most 1911 5" type pistols: Colt, Kimber, Springfield and Browning Hi-Power 5" with mounting rail.
35,52 € / piece incl. VAT
Fobus Holster Beretta Px4, S&W, Taurus, FN, Baikal Rights (BRS RT)
35,52 € / piece incl. VAT
C-21BRT kabura Fobus standard prawa Colt: 45 Gov/1911 bez szyny. Bersa Firestorm .9,.40,.45 cal. Browning Hi-Power. FN: High Power, FN-49. Kahr P40, PM4. Kel-Tec PF9. Kimber 1911 Style, 4"&5" bez szyny. Para-Ordnance Gov't 1911 Style. Sasilmaz Klinic 2000
30,72 € / piece incl. VAT
Fobus Holster Colt 1911, Browning, FN, Kahr, Kel-Tec Rights (C-21B)
Sold out 30,72 € / piece incl. VAT
BRS (Paddle) Fobus holster type PRH. Beretta: 90-Two 40S & W, PX4 Storm Full Size, Compact, Type F, D, G, SD, Inox, M9, 92A1 & 96A1, 92FS, 92 Compact 9mm. S&W: M&P Shield 45cal. Taurus: PT140 G2, PT845, 24/7 (not 45cal), PT940. FN: FNP-9, FNP-40.