3455 (serwis) nit firmy Pietta do rewolwerów czarnoprochowych: 1851 Colt Navy, 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy w kalibrach: .36 i .44. Pasuje do modeli 1860 Army oraz 1861 Navy...
900 (serwis) sprężyna zatrzasku pobojczyka firmy Pietta do rewolwerów: 1851 Colt Navy, 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy w kalibrach: .36, .44. Pasuje również do modeli 1860 Army oraz 1861 Navy...
Bennon Salvador, comfortable shoes with a waterproof REGI-TEX membrane, perfect for sports and professional use. In the rear part of the shoe there is a stabilizer made of TPU, the front of the shoe is equipped with a rubber cover.
3423 (serwis) rolka kurka do rewolweru czarnoprochowego 1858 Remington New Model Army (.44 cal) / Navy (.36 cal) firmy Pietta. Pasuje również do modeli: 1862 Spiller & Burr, 1873 Single Action Steel, 1851 Colt Reb Nord Navy, 1860 Army oraz 1861 Navy...
503 (service) Pietta's springboard for Remington 1858 NEW MODEL Army (.44 cal) / Navy (.36 inch) stainless revolvers. Also suitable for 1862 SPILLER & BURR.
Excellent service excellent shipping
I live in Greece but I live in the United States for 48 years this company does things the right way the proper way and quickly and efficiently