UK Gear GT-02 Urban Multi Sport shoes to withstand the most intense training you can do in indoor or city environments. Initially, the company supplied shoes for sportsmen and then focuses on the demanding military market.
UK Gear XC-09 Cross-Country Running shoes designed to withstand the most intense training you can afford. Initially, the company supplied shoes for athletes, and then focuses on the demanding military market.
UK Gear GT-02 has been manufactured to withstand the most intense training you can do. In an indoor environment, on a court, in the city - wherever you want.
The UK Gear PT-03 NC Running shoes are made to withstand the most intense training you can do. In an indoor environment, on a court, in the city - wherever you want.
UK Gear PT-03 SC Running Selatec shoes are made to withstand the most intense training you can do. In an indoor environment, on a court, in the city - wherever you want.
UK Gear PT-03 SC Running Selatec shoes are made to withstand the most intense training you can do. In an indoor environment, on a court, in the city - wherever you want.
Buty UK Gear PT-03 SC Running Men - 1003-01 Zostały wyprodukowane, aby sprostać najintensywniejszemu treningowi na jaki Cię stać. W środowisku halowym, na korcie, w mieście - gdzie tylko zechcesz.