- 1862 Colt New York Metropolitan Police .36, Samuel Colt designed six-shot black powder percussion revolver .36, front-loading, open frame and concave cylinder drum.

1862 Colt New York Metropolitan Police .36, a Samuel Colt-designed six-shot black powder percussion revolver in .36 caliber, front-loading with an open frame and a concave drum.
In 1851, the revolver was introduced to the US Navy, despite the Colt Navy name, it was sold in larger quantities to the army than to the navy. The reputation of the Navy Colt revolver soon reached England, where in 1852 Samuel Colt built the only factory outside the United States. The revolvers produced at this factory in the years 1853-1856 were called Navy London. 1862 Police is one of the last Colt percussion revolvers.
Cylinder drum - half fluted (1/2 Fluted), lighter than a full drum, not engraved, steel.
Lever (stamp) burnished, hinged under the barrel of the revolver, designed to press the lead balls in the chambers of the drum. The stick-on lever extends to the rear, thanks to which the weapon has a more streamlined shape and does not catch on the edge of the holster.
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