- Typhoon German-made handheld non-flammable pepper gas thrower for professional use. With a capacity of 400 ml, it can be used repeatedly and thus effectively defend even against a group of attackers and aggressive animals...

Typhoon Jet Pepper Spray, handheld pepper gas thrower from the company ESP capacities 400 ml. Manufactured in Germany, non-flammable gas designed for professional use. The largest capacity allows for repeated use and thus effective defense even against a group of attackers, being also under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive drugs. Works well during defense property and domestic mirrors. The chemical composition was chosen to be equally effective against aggressive animals.
Nozzle - JET, with effective coverage 5-6 meters. Strong stream of paralyzing substance reduces its vulnerability to weather conditions (wind, rain). Nozzle JET is characterized by the greatest range and high efficiency, especially useful when defending against a group of attackers. It works well in places of large concentrations of people, where effective intervention is needed, for example, during mass events.
Pistol head - Pistol Grip made of damage-resistant polymer, allows a firm grip with the whole hand, even when wearing a glove. The ergonomic shape of the head makes it easy to quickly retrieve the thrower, while protecting it from accidental use (flap).
Propellant - (propellant) inert, non-flammable. The use of a non-flammable substance protects the officer / user from liability for the consequences of a possible burn to the attacker during the intervention / defense (use of a pitcher against people such as smokers during an incident).
Capacity - The selection of a hand-held gas thrower with the right capacity is one of the most important decisions when buying one. The size of the container determines effective defense when your family, your property are at risk. Optimum RMG 400 ml, guarantees effectiveness and control of the situation during an emergency. Used by police, security agencies for securing mass events (matches, concerts).
Important! Contains irritant OC (oleoresin capsicum, or alkaloid capsaicin). It causes a strong allergy-like reaction: tearing, redness of the skin, and severe burning of the mucous membranes. In case of contact with gas, rinse eyes and face with cold water. Do not rub. Symptoms will disappear after approx. 45 min.
Technical data:
Product code: SPTY Typhoon
Type of measure: Liquid
Gas type: Pepper
Type of nozzle: Stream
Head type: Jet Fog
Scoville Heat Units: 1,000,000 SHU
Oleoresin solution / Oleoresin Capsicum: 10% OC
Capacity: 400 ml
Dimensions height/diameter: 256.0 mm x 64.0 mm
Effective range: 5-6 m
Country of origin: Germany
Manufacturer: ESP (Euro Security Products), Czech Republic
Elaboration: the company Sharg®