OC 5000 Life Guard Gel pepper spray with strong concentration. Discreet keychain designed for everyday wear for defense while jogging or in low traffic areas. Can be used as a key ring thanks to the secure snap hook
9mm P-caliber pistol bang ammunition.A. german company Wadie. High quality ammunition guarantees reliable operation and reloading of the weapon after each shot (not prone to jamming). Very powerful, we get a realistic gunshot sound
ExB-18H-BK BH-54/BE-01 hardened 18" ESP telescopic baton with BH-54 handle. Equipped with a conical head / cubotan BE-01. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value compact size, easy portability and light weig
Tactical pen from the Barbaric brand. The pen is made of aircraft-grade aluminum with a blue anodized finish. Also, it has a ribbed surface for a tighter grip. On one side of the pen, there is a glass breaker in emergency situations or for self-defense..
T4E TX 68 extreme situations call for extreme measures. The answer is the RAM shotgun, which reaches 16J energy in the powerful caliber .68. Quick cap punch system, accessory rails pump-action reloading system, capacious magazine for 16 bullets
Professional hardened 18" Friction Loc telescopic baton by ESP with imitation leather HL grip. Due to the permanent connection with the bar extremely durable, easy to grip literally sticks to your hand. BH-54-L detachable swivel holster UBC-5 mount
Typhoon German-made handheld non-flammable pepper gas thrower for professional use. With a capacity of 400 ml, it can be used repeatedly and thus effectively defend even against a group of attackers and aggressive animals...
VESK RGS Police nowa linia gazów pieprzowych firmy KKS. Niepalny, żel, 2mln SHU, poj 15ml. Policyjna głowica KKS z klapką FLIP TOP i okapkiem do profesjonalnych zastosowań. Skuteczny do obrony przed napastnikiem, grupą napastników, agresywnymi zwierzętami
Hartowana 18" pałka teleskopowa ESP Friction Loc z uchwytem Ergonomic z antyalergicznej gumy. Kabura BH-24 Fobus Small Rotating Paddle z obrotowym mocowaniem na pas 45 mm. Dla osób ceniących skuteczny zasięg, kompaktowy rozmiar, niską wagę...
ExBTO-20H-BK, an innovative 20" hardened Easy Lock expandable baton with a non-slip grip and a more compact Round Ending tip. Designed for discreet carry close to the body, this version comes without a clip or mount.
ExBTO-20HE, innowacyjna pałka hartowana typu Easy Lock o długości 20" z uchwytem Ergonomic Grip i okrągłą bardziej kompaktową końcówką Round ending. Baton przeznaczony do skrytego przenoszenia, jak najbliżej ciała, wersja bez uchwytu / mocowania..
ExBTTO-20H pałka hartowana Easy Lock o dług 20" z antypoślizgowym uchwytem i trójkątnym zakończeniem zapobiegającym utracie batona podczas użytkowania oraz toczeniu się pałki po gładkich powierzchniach. Sam baton bez uchwytu i mocowania...
RazorGun Steel Core Devastator cal .68 / 40 pcs is a hybrid ammunition for the T4E HDS 68 shotgun. Its characteristic features include excellent penetration.
HDS shotgun (Home Defense Shotgun) was designed with the users of the civil market in mind - Umarex T4E HDS 68 is available without permits and registration.
BH-54 Khaki professional swivel handle with UBC-05 belt mount with Quick Change quick release system. For carrying 16“, 18”, 21” batons. Allows you to swap equipment for what you need at the moment without removing the attachment clip from your belt.
EXB-26HE-CH BH-55 Ergonomic 26" Hardened ESP Friction Loc Telescopic Baton. Professional BH-55 detachable swivel mount with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact efficiency...
OC5000 Gel HJF 750ml largest capacity handheld gas thrower offered. Made in Germany, pepper gas in gel by KKS one of the most effective gases available on the market. For professional animal attacker defense applications
BMO-03-18 / BMH-03 compact version of the panoramic tactical inspection mirror BMO-03-18 from ESP company included universal clip and ylon holder. Designed for expandable batons Bonowi: EKA CamLock (SmartLock), ASP: Talon Infinity with a steel tip Ø 18mm
ExBTT-20HE Easy Lock hardened expandable baton 20" long with Ergonomic grip and triangular tip to prevent loss of the baton during use and rolling of the baton on smooth surfaces. BH-55 swivel mount with UBC-5 Quick Change mount..
ExBT-20H, 20" long hardened Easy Lock baton with non-slip grip and Round ending handle. BHT-55 swivel handle for self-disassembling baton with UBC-5-A mount equipped with Quick Change system...
Sharg decontamination wipe, neutralizes the effects of pepper gas, CS, other irritants. Protects against the effects of contact with incapacitating substances, during an unexpected attack. The best effect comes from using 2 wipes
EXB-16H CHR BH-54 hardened 16" Friction Loc telescopic baton by ESP. Comes with a professional detachable swivel mount BH-54 equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value a reduced size for stealthy carrying
EXB-18HE BLK Ergonomic, a hardened 18" Friction Loc telescopic baton from ESP. The bar itself without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value compact size, easy portability as well as lowest
VESK RGS Police line of professional pepper gases from KKS. Non-flammable with 13.2% OC including 1.33%MC, spiciness of 2million SHU, capacity 750ml. Police Finger Grip head with HJ Stream nozzle. Effective for defense against a group of attackers, aggres
Blue Line G1 Handcuff Key, Antique Copper professional forged handcuff key with medallion, engraved ASP logo, eagle head and ASP inscription. Fits metal ratchet (jaw) handcuffs used by uniformed services. Equipped with BackSet
SuperHolder SH-121 professional rotary handle with UBC-02 mounting. Designed to carry 16 ", 18", 21” ESP telescopic batons, it fits most Friction Lock batons (with rubber handles) from other manufacturers, including ASP, S&W, Casco, Monadnock
Nexus T Baton Clip, universal clip for ASP Disc Loc telescopic batons Talon (T Series). Easy to attach, it allows individual adjustment of the method of carrying the bar by the user and quick selection and opening of the stick.
16117x10 - a set of 10 pcs, 12 g CO2 feed capsules by Actions Sport Games for pistols and air rifles. CO2 cartridges eject the shot using compressed carbon dioxide. One capsule is enough to shoot about 60 pellets.
39135-VE, an easy to use, versatile Barbaric Fire Starter kit in green. Equipped with a magnesium flint, signal whistle, mini compass, tape measure and cap opener. An essential piece of equipment for every survivalist
39135-NE, an easy-to-use, universal Barbaric Fire Starter set in black color. Equipped with magnesium flint, signal whistle, mini compass, tape measure and bottle opener. An indispensable piece of equipment for every survival fan.
12 g CO2 feed capsule by ASG (Actions Sport Games) for pistols and air rifles. CO2 cartridges throw shots using compressed carbon dioxide. One capsule is enough to shoot about 60 pellets.
ProTect 40ml KKS gas thrower. To the border in front of the striker, a group of strikers. The chemical composition was selected to effectively defend against aggressive animals, especially dogs.
BH-55 Black professional removable swivel handle from ESP. Designed to carry 23“ and 26” long telescopic batons. Equipped with a 32-60mm wide UBC-05 transport mount with Quick Change quick release system.
ExB-26HE-BK Ergonomic. Hardened 26" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. The bar itself without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact effi
ExB-26H-BK hardened 26" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. The bar itself without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact efficiency...
ExB-23HE-BK Ergonomic, hardened 23" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. A bar without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value greater range and effectiveness with dimensions similar to a 21" p
ExB-23H-BK hardened 23" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. A bar without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value greater range and impact effectiveness with dimensions similar to a 21" polic