Mil-Tec Telescopic Baton 53 cm – Steel, durable, and non-slip. Quick deployment, Friction Loc locking system, nylon holster. Compact and effective for self-defense!
Mil-Tec Telescopic Baton 66 cm – Durable, steel, and non-slip. Quick deployment, Friction Loc locking system, and nylon holster. Perfect for self-defense and law enforcement!
ExB-16HE-KH BH-54 Ergonomic Hardened 16" ESP Friction Loc expandable baton in Khaki. Ideal for those who appreciate compact dimensions for discreet carry. Comes with a professional rotating BH-54 holder featuring UBC-5 mount and Quick Change System.
ExB-18HE-KH BK BH-54 hardened 18" ESP Friction Loc expandable baton in khaki color. For those who value effective reach, compact size and stealthy carry. Comes with BH-54 swivel professional grip equipped with UBC-5 mount with Quick Change System.
ExB-16H-CH, hardened 16" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. The baton itself, without any attachment. Designed for hidden transport as close to the body as possible. For people who value compact size, ease of carrying and the lowest possible weight.
ExB-18H-KH BK BH-54 hardened 18" ESP Friction Loc expandable baton in khaki color. For those who value effective reach, compact size, stealthy carry. Comes with BH-54 swivel professional grip equipped with UBC-5 mount with Quick Change System.
ExBTT-20H Khaki Easy Lock hardened expandable baton with a length of 20". Non-slip handle with triangular tip to prevent loss of the baton during use and rolling on smooth surfaces. BH-55 swivel mount with UBC-5 Quick Change mount..
ExB-18H-BK BH-54/BE-01 hardened 18" ESP telescopic baton with BH-54 handle. Equipped with a conical head / cubotan BE-01. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value compact size, easy portability and light weig
Professional hardened 18" Friction Loc telescopic baton by ESP with imitation leather HL grip. Due to the permanent connection with the bar extremely durable, easy to grip literally sticks to your hand. BH-54-L detachable swivel holster UBC-5 mount
Hartowana 18" pałka teleskopowa ESP Friction Loc z uchwytem Ergonomic z antyalergicznej gumy. Kabura BH-24 Fobus Small Rotating Paddle z obrotowym mocowaniem na pas 45 mm. Dla osób ceniących skuteczny zasięg, kompaktowy rozmiar, niską wagę...
EXB-26HE-CH BH-55 Ergonomic 26" Hardened ESP Friction Loc Telescopic Baton. Professional BH-55 detachable swivel mount with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact efficiency...
EXB-16H CHR BH-54 hardened 16" Friction Loc telescopic baton by ESP. Comes with a professional detachable swivel mount BH-54 equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value a reduced size for stealthy carrying
EXB-18HE BLK Ergonomic, a hardened 18" Friction Loc telescopic baton from ESP. The bar itself without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value compact size, easy portability as well as lowest
ExB-26HE-BK Ergonomic. Hardened 26" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. The bar itself without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact effi
ExB-26H-BK hardened 26" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. The bar itself without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact efficiency...
ExB-23HE-BK Ergonomic, hardened 23" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. A bar without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value greater range and effectiveness with dimensions similar to a 21" p
ExB-23H-BK hardened 23" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. A bar without any attachment. Designed to be carried stealthily as close to the body as possible. For those who value greater range and impact effectiveness with dimensions similar to a 21" polic
Professional hardened, telescopic baton Friction Loc type, 21-inch made by ESP with Ergonomic handle. The most popular bar model with an optimal range. Designed for hidden carrying as close to the body as possible, version without a handle / fastening...
EXB-21H CH BH-54, hardened 21" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. BH-54 professional detachable swivel mount equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The most popular model of the bar being on the equipment of Polish uniformed services...
EXB-23H-CH BH-55, hardened 23" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Professional BH-55 detachable swivel mount with UBC-5 Quick Change System mount. For those who value greater range and effectiveness with dimensions similar to a police bar 21"...
EXB-18H-BK BC-01, a hardened 18" Friction Loc telescopic baton from ESP. Comes with a BC-01 metal clip designed to secretly carry the bar as close to the body as possible. For those who value effective coverage, compact size and light weight
EXB-18H CHR BH-54, hardened 18" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Comes with a professional detachable swivel mount BH-54 equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value effective coverage, compact size, stealthy portability..
EXB-18HE CHR BH-54, Ergonomic hardened 18" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Comes with professional removable swivel mount BH-54 with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value effective coverage, compact size, stealthy portability...
EXB-21HE CHR BH-54 Ergonomic hardened 21" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. BH-54 professional detachable swivel mount equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The most popular model of the bar that is on the equipment of the Polish uniformed ser
EXB-26H-BK BH-55 hardened 26" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Professional BH-55 detachable swivel mount with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The longest of the models with the longest range and the highest impact efficiency...
ExB-16HE-BK BH-54 Ergonomic hardened 16" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Comes with a professional detachable swivel mount BH-54 equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value a reduced size for concealed carry.
EXB-21HE BLK BH-54 Ergonomic hardened 21" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. BH-54 professional detachable swivel mount equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The most popular model of the bar that is on the equipment of the Polish uniformed ser
EXB-21H BLK BH-54 hardened 21" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Comes with a professional detachable swivel mount BH-54 equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. The most popular model of the bar that is on the equipment of the Polish uniformed s
EXB-18HE BK BH-54, Ergonomic hardened 18" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Comes with professional removable swivel mount BH-54 with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value effective coverage, compact size, stealthy portability...
EXB-18H BK BH-54, hardened 18" ESP Friction Loc telescopic baton. Comes with a professional detachable swivel mount BH-54 equipped with UBC-5 (Quick Change System) mount. For those who value effective coverage, compact size, stealthy portability..
Compact Chrome 16" professional hardened expandable ESP baton. Compact and metal dedicated in particular to investigators, state administration employees, undercover secret agents. Perfect for people who value reduced dimensions, enabling hidden carrying
Compact Chrome 18" professional hardened expandable ESP baton. Compact and metal dedicated in particular to investigators, state administration employees, undercover secret agents. Perfect for people who value reduced dimensions, enabling hidden carrying
Compact Chrome 21" professional hardened expandable ESP baton. Compact and metal dedicated in particular to investigators, state administration employees, undercover secret agents. Perfect for people who value reduced dimensions, enabling hidden carrying
Protector P16 professional 16” steel-aluminum telescopic truncheon. The patented combination of steel and aluminum pipes allowed to obtain a light and durable effective defense tool. You will hit a steel and aluminum bar faster than with a steel baton.
F26-BF professional 26” hardened telescopic Friction Loc baton from ASP. Foam handle, black-chrome coating. The longest bar model for people who value the greatest range and the greatest effectiveness of strokes..
F21AF professional AirWeight stick (aluminum), Friction Loc type by ASP. Length 21 "Foam Grip handle. Optimal size and low weight of 45% compared to comparable steel truncheons facilitate concealed handling. AirWeight hits faster than steel baton..
F16-BF Friction Loc professional ASP 16” telescopic baton. Foam Grip handle, black-chrome coating. Compact dimensions low weight facilitate hidden carrying for officers working under cover. The most popular 16-inch ASP truncheon
EXB-21H-KH-CH, professional 21 "hardened telescopic truncheon by ESP, case BH-02. Military version - handle and holster in desert color. The most popular model.
EXB-21N steel 21" telescopic baton by ESP, white nickel coating. Moleted handle made of anti-allergenic non-slip rubber. BH-02 heavy-duty polymer belt-mounted holster up to 54 mm. For those who value optimal range and striking effectiveness.
EXB-21N steel 21", telescopic baton ESP black Ni-Zn coating. Knurled handle made of antiallergic, non-slip rubber. Black holster BH-02 made of durable polymer, fastened to a belt up to 54mm. For people who value optimal reach and impact effectiveness
EXB-16N steel 16" telescopic baton ESP coating white nickel. Moleted handle made of anti-allergenic non-slip rubber. BH-02 heavy-duty polymer belt-mounted holster up to 54mm. For those who appreciate the compact size, allowing stealthy carrying.