A344 / SC Pietta concave non-engraved percussion cylinder, cal. 36. For black powder revolvers 1851 Colt Navy, 1860 Colt Army and 1861 Colt Navy. 6-chamber, black oxidized. The set includes a set of 6 fireplaces.
COLT PATTERN prochownica Davide Pedersoli z uniwersalnym dozownikiem umożliwia odmierzanie dawki prochu. Do broni czarnoprochowej różnego kalibru: karabinów, pistoletów, rewolwerów. Wykonana z lakierowanej miedzi, ozdobiona motywem sceny batalistycznej…
6909ND RT, Fobus double magazine pouch for most 9mm and .40 cal double stack pagazines (not Glock pistols) such as Ruger: SR9, American Pistol 9mm, CZ: P07, S&W: M&P, Walther: PPQ and similar others.
6909ND, Fobus double magazine pouch for most 9mm and .40 cal double stack pagazines (not Glock pistols) such as Ruger: SR9, American Pistol 9mm, CZ: P07, S&W: M&P, Walther: PPQ and similar others.
3901-G BH (Belt Holder) ładownica pojedyncza otwarta Fobus na dwurzędowy magazynek pistoletowy kalibru 9mm i .40. Na pas o szerokości 30-40 mm. Do pistoletów Glock: 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38 i 39. H&K: USP oraz USP Compact...
DSS1 (Mini Paddle) single open Fobus pouch for metal single-row pistol magazines cal.9mm, .40, .380. For a 45mm wide belt. For Glock, Walther, Beretta, Kahr, Ruger, Sig Sauer, Springfield / HS Produkt, S&W, Taurus.
Lightning No 3 universal soft grease for the lubrication of projectiles for softened charges, slugs. For use at low temperatures below 0 ° C. For threading fireplaces, internal mechanisms, axes in revolvers, weapon maintenance.
Lightning No 2 universal black powder soft grease for the lubrication of projectiles for softened charges, slugs. For use at low temperatures below 0°C - 25ºC. For threading fireplaces, internal mechanisms, axes in revolvers, weapon maintenance...
Lightning No 1 hard lube for coating chambers in percussin revolvers , lubricating breechloading bullets and cartridge guns ammunition or patches etc.. Used when the temperature is higher than 25°C. The use of this lube reduces the resistance of...
Pas nośny firmy Hatsan do karabinów pneumatycznych. Szeroki comfort pad (podkładka na ramię) umożliwia wygodne przenoszenie broni o większej wadze. Mocowany do broni w dwóch miejscach przy użyciu metalowych klamr. Długość pasa jednostronnie regulowana...
503 (service) Pietta's springboard for Remington 1858 NEW MODEL Army (.44 cal) / Navy (.36 inch) stainless revolvers. Also suitable for 1862 SPILLER & BURR.
A434/ST44 (service) barrel in caliber .44 for a blackpowder revolver 1858 Remington New Model Army / Navy revolver by Pietta. Octagonal, 8 inches long, black oxidized.
900 (serwis) sprężyna zatrzasku pobojczyka firmy Pietta do rewolwerów: 1851 Colt Navy, 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy w kalibrach: .36, .44. Pasuje również do modeli 1860 Army oraz 1861 Navy...
3455 (service) Pietta rivet for black powder revolvers: 1851 Colt Navy, 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy in calibers: .36 and .44. Fits 1860 Army and 1861 Navy models.
3455 (serwis) nit firmy Pietta do rewolwerów czarnoprochowych: 1851 Colt Navy, 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy w kalibrach: .36 i .44. Pasuje do modeli 1860 Army oraz 1861 Navy...
Czoki Hatsan Extra-Full Chokes: F,IM,M,IC,C - ESCORT CHOKE SET 12GAKomplet wymiennych czoków wewnętrznych Extra-Full Chokes: F, IM, M, IC, CYL (5 szt.) kal. 12GA, do broni śrutowej Escort, Optima firmy Hatsan.
A344 (service) a steel 6-chamber Pietta percussion cylinder for the 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy black powder revolver with a brass frame, caliber .36. Full, not engraved, black oxidised. The set includes a set of 6 nipples.
A341 / SC, concave ½ fluted (lighter), black oxidized 6-chamber Pietta percussion drum with fireplaces. For black powder revolvers 1851 Colt Reb Nord Navy, 1860 Colt Army, 1861 Colt Navy and 1862 Colt Pocket Police Snubnose Thunderer.
A341 (service) a steel 6-chamber Pietta percussion cylinder for the 1851 Colt REB Nord Navy black powder revolver with a brass frame, caliber .44. Full, not engraved, black oxidised. The set includes a set of 6 nipples.
3423 (serwis) rolka kurka do rewolweru czarnoprochowego 1858 Remington New Model Army (.44 cal) / Navy (.36 cal) firmy Pietta. Pasuje również do modeli: 1862 Spiller & Burr, 1873 Single Action Steel, 1851 Colt Reb Nord Navy, 1860 Army oraz 1861 Navy...